Across All Realms: Sea, Land & Air
Our seabird taonga

About us

To be a credible, science-based advocacy organisation.
To research and advocate for seabird populations throughout northern Aotearoa New Zealand and Rangitāhua Kermadec Islands.
Encourage others to also advocate for and protect seabirds through participation in seabird restoration programmes.
To share our knowledge and to build understanding of the vital role of seabirds in ecosystem health.
Kia tū hei whare taunaki whai tikanga i raro i te mātauranga pūtaiao.
Ka rangahaua, ka taunakitia te ora o ngā manu moana huri noa i te raki o Aotearoa me Rangitāhua.
Mā te whakatūnga o ngā kaupapa whakarauora, ka ākina ētahi atu ki te tautoko, ki te whakamarumaru hoki i ngā manu moana.
Ka whakapuakina ō mātou mōhiotanga, kia tipu ai te māramatanga e pā ana ki te wāhi nui o ngā manu moana i te hauora o te taiao.