Across All Realms: Sea, Land & Air
Our seabird taonga

Some useful publications for northern New Zealand seabirds.
Lukies, K.A.; Gaskin C.P. 2023. Te Whakarauoratanga ake Restoring Resilience: Seabird restoration for the Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland region and Te Moananui-ā-Toi / Tīkapa Moana / Hauraki Gulf. Northern New Zealand Seabirds Charitable Trust, Auckland, New Zealand. 58p
Gaskin, C.P. (ed) 2021. The State of Our Seabirds 2021. Seabird ecology, research and conservation for the wider
Hauraki Gulf / Tīkapa Moana / Te Moananui-ā-Toi region. Northern New Zealand Seabirds Charitable Trust, Auckland, New Zealand. 154p
Lukies, K.A.; Gaskin C.P.; Whitehead, E.A. (2021): The effects of sediment on birds foraging in intertidal and nearshore habitats in Aotearoa New Zealand: A literature review and recommendations for future work. Prepared for the Department of Conservation by the Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust, Auckland. 77 p
Whitehead, E.A., Adams, N., Baird, K.A., Bell, E.A., Borrelle, S.B., Dunphy, B.J., Gaskin, C.P., Landers, T.J., Rayner, M.J., Russell, J.C. (2019). Threats to Seabirds of Northern Aotearoa New Zealand. Northern New Zealand Seabird Charitable Trust, Auckland, New Zealand. 76pp
Gaskin, C.P., Rayner, M.J. (2013, revised version 2017). Seabirds of the Hauraki Gulf: Natural History, Research and Conservation. Hauraki Gulf Forum. 142pp PDF
Important areas for NZ's seabirds. Four reports published by Forest & Bird in 2015: An advocacy document providing an overview of NZ's seabirds, their threats, research and conservation. The other three reports profile individual sites (Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas) identified to date on land and at sea - these include a number of northern New Zealand islands and island groups. PDF
Gaskin C.P. (2011) Seabirds of the Kermadec region: their natural history and conservation. Science for Conservation 316. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 71p. PDF
Taylor, G.A. (2000a). Action plan for seabird conservation in New Zealand, part a: threatened seabirds. New Zealand Department of Conservation Threatened Species Occasional Publication 16. Wellington, NZ
Taylor, G.A. (2000b). Action plan for seabird conservation in New Zealand, part b: non-threatened seabirds. New Zealand Department of Conservation Threatened Species Occasional Publication 16. Wellington, NZ
Seabirds of the Hauraki Gulf is an educational poster published by the Hauraki Gulf Forum featuring artwork by Chris Gaskin and photography by Neil Fitzgerald and Jono Irvine. PDF
Other important bird resources:
New Zealand Birds Online is a searchable encyclopaedia of New Zealand birds. You can find detailed information about all 457 species of New Zealand birds, including all living, extinct, fossil, vagrant and introduced bird species. The database is searchable by name, conservation status, and geographical distribution. Explore the site to read expert-written texts, listen to sound files of bird calls, and browse the many photographs. New Zealand Birds Online is a joint project between Te Papa, OSNZ and DOC.
eBird is an online bird recording tool to help us understand and document bird occurrence across the landscape: any bird, anywhere, any time. For this reason, every bird-watcher has something to contribute, every time they go birding in New Zealand, both on land and at sea.
BirdingNZ.net is a discussion forum that is free and easy to join, allowing anyone with an interest in NZ birds – resident scientists, international twitchers, or those just looking for help with a bird ID – to find and share information. A key goal of the site is to allow people to quickly and easily distribute details about rare bird observations, so others may also have a chance to see something special.
Notornis is Birds NZ's quarterly scientific journal. This peer-reviewed journal has been publishing ornithological research relevant to New Zealand and the South Pacific since 1943 (originally as New Zealand Bird Notes). Notornis has a wide circulation within New Zealand and overseas, and is provided to all members of Birds New Zealand. PDFs for each volume will be made available online as close as practicable to the standard publication dates (last day in March, June, September, December).
Birds New Zealand (formerly Southern Birds) is Birds NZ's quarterly news magazine. This magazine provides a forum for members to report back on trips, society schemes, interesting bird sightings and to advertise coming trips, meetings and events.
Other recent publications:
Gaskin, C., Fitzgerald, N., Cameron, E.K. Heiss-Dunlop, S. (2011). Does the New Zealand storm petrel (Pealeornis maoriana) breed in northern New Zealand? Notornis 58: 104–112
Ismar S.M.H., Taylor G.A., Gaskin C.P., Rayner M.J. (2012). First breeding report of black-winged petrel (Pterodroma nigripennis) on Burgess Island, Mokohinau Group, Hauraki Gulf. Notornis 59: 176-179.
Ismar, S. M. H., Baird, K. A., Gaskin, C. P., Taylor, G. A., Tennyson, A. J. D., Rayner, M. J. (2014). A case of natural recovery after the removal of invasive predators - community assemblage changes in the avifauna of Burgess Island. Notornis 61: 188-195.
Ismar, S.M.H., Gaskin, C.P., Fitzgerald, N.B., Taylor, G.A., Tennyson, A.J.D. Rayner, M.J. (2015). Evaluating on-land
capture methods for monitoring a recently rediscovered seabird, the New Zealand Storm-Petrel Fregetta maoriana. Marine Ornithology 43: 255–258.
Rayner, M.J., Gaskin, C.P., Fitzgerald, N.B., Baird, K.A., Berg, M.M., Boyle D., Joyce, L., Landers, T.J., Loh, G.G., Maturin, S., Perrimen, L., Scofield, R.P., Simm, J., Southey, I., Taylor, G.A., Tennyson, A.J.D., Robertson, B.C., Young, M., Walle, R., Ismar, S.M.H. (2015). Using miniaturized radio telemetry to discover the breeding grounds of the endangered New Zealand Storm Petrel Fregetta maoriana. Ibis 157: 754-766